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FAQ 9 : Are there Examples where the Guilty sense is suppressed in Hinduism?

Yes! Of course. There are 1000s and 1000s of examples, how Guilty sense of humans is suppressed in Hinduism. There are few here. Pictures: Yahoo.com, search for Hinduism-Sex.

SexSexSex is Hinduism. Indian Censor boards do not allow sex in cinemas but sex scenes are allowed  in temples. Animals do sex in public!. Animals do not dress. Why not Brahmin girls become Sashthris for conversion purpose? Parvathy statue. Aha. 1+1 billion dollars. How is it, Clinton? Elephants are around naked Brahmin Parvathy. Elephants are identifiers to Brahmins. Hinduism tells, only Brahmins should enjoy Sex & Power
Parvathy inspiration. Brahmin girls show their entire breasts to managers to get exemption from works. Stress test to ensure that the believers would worship any 'shit'. Parvathy Statue in kompakonam temple, TN. How many Hindu women would give Parvathy posse in public? Brahmins use Sex as a  media to exploit the people.
Masked Brahmin Krishna, steals the wealth of Non-Brahmins. Brahmins use Christian names to attract Int. community Masked Brahmin Krishna calls non-Brahmin girls to come naked. Shiva & Parvathy. Look at the non-Brahmins at the bottom. Brahmins misuse humans weakness.